Tuesday, April 12, 2011

8 long years ago...

I can hardly believe that its been 8 years since we lost my mom.  Eight short but incredibly long years ago.  I still remember the day like I just lived it.  Then I think of everything that has happened in those eight years and it amazes me how quickly it has gone by.  I toured England and Scotland, met the man of my dreams, had a fairy tale wedding, ran a flower shop, then closed one.  I became a mom too.  All of those moments are bitter sweet.  Wishing my mom had been there to be a part of them but so very thankful that she has gone on to a better place.  What an amazing example of a mom I had.  If I can teach Mattie just a fraction of what she taught me, I will count myself a good mom too.  Blessed beyond measure that I had her in my life for 26 wonderful years. 


Donna said...

I am sorry you don't have your mom, but you are doing a great job with Mattie. Have a blessed day.

Kelly T said...

Wooo doggies, I didn't go to your blog expecting to cry today. :) She WAS a wonderful woman! I just adore this picture of the two of you, it really captures your relationship perfectly. Love you, friend.

Devion said...

What a perfect post. I cannot imagine what it is like, but I do know that your mom left a legacy in you of a servant of Christ! How proud your Momma would have been of all that you do serving Christ! I pray that the old adage is true about time easing the pain. Prayers for blessings and comfort for you this week!