Thursday, June 5, 2008

I've Entered Blog-World!!!

Well, I feel as though there is a bandwagon and I wasn't on it! So, here I am....blogging! My friend Chrissy always says that the things that happen in my life should go into a book one I figured that I could write about them in a blog! For someone that is a stay at home wife...I have a lot of interesting things that happen to me! I know that to most, they will not be very interesting...but my life does amuse I hope you enjoy my blog!


Kelly T said...

Your life amuses me too! Just kidding; I can't wait to see what you'll come up with on your blog. By the way, "Is this seat taken??"

Kelly T said...

Oh my goodness I just came here to comment and saw that my hubby beat me to it, and how inappropriate can he be?! ha ha! I'm sure I'll enjoy reading all your little antedotes... welcome to bloggerdom!

D's Mom said...

YOU are a fun and amusing person so it will be fun to read your posts. Yaaaaay that you started a blog! Looking forward to it...